Innovation, Best Practice and Sustainability in New Zealand’s Primary Sector
A group formed on the Otago Peninsula to create a predator-free region
Brendan Cross farms on the Otago Peninsula and is mindful of those who live and visit there
Fonterra, farmers and DOC work on one of five areas targeted for environmental remediation
A Sustainable Business Network crowd funding initiative to encourage more riparian planting
A couple committed to the environment have created a wetland showcase on their farm
A priority given to tree planting for years won the East Coast Ballance Supreme Award in 2015
Barbara and Neill Simpson have led the way in regenerating native plants in Central Otago
Richard and Kerie Aubrey work with the QE2 Trust and Whaingaroa Harbour Care
Monitoring and improving water quality in the Rai Valley catchment
Farmers restoring water quality in the Rai Valley catchment
Mick and Karen Williams won the 2013 BFEA Awards for the Greater Wellington Area
The Wainono Lagoon is one of the few remaining freshwater lagoons in the South Island
Farm environment plans created for those in the catchment feeding the Wainono Lagoon
Promoting native plant diversity in wildlife corridors from rural to urban areas
Helping farmers integrate good environmental practice with their farm systems
Growing native plants for riparian planting and community restoration projects
Bryan Tucker is a dairy farmer, piggery owner and environment award winner
A reserve set in farmland has celebrated 100 years of conservation
A voluntary biodiversity programme is introduced to the Bay of Plenty and Waikato
A nursery supplying local native plants for restoration planting
A farmer is conserving historic sites on their farm with the help of volunteers
A farm once devastated by a landslide is rebuilt to become a supreme farm award winner
The Department of Conservation works with farmers to restore a Waikato Peat Lake
A visit to a Waikato farmer with a lake restoration programme underway
Work on preventing erosion of vulnerable land in Gisborne
Balmoral Station is home to high country farmers, Andrew and Karen Simpson
Pest weeds and grassland recovery work at a scientific reserve in the Mackenzie Basin
New Zealand's largest blackcurrant growers contribute to the community
A Landcare group in the Whangarei Heads is creating a kiwi-friendly environment
Conservation work at Landcorp's Eweburn Station bordering a National Park
Dairy farmers work to protect the kiwi
A group of farmers wotk with DOC and local government to address water quality worries
An internationally important restoration project is a group effort
A wine industry pioneer builds a carbon zero wine label
New Zealand's largest irrigation scheme and a bioacoustic fish fence
Wetland plants grown on a floating base help reduce nutrients in waterways
The Birchalls are dairy farmers involved in a number of water quality initiatives on their farm